Engineering Data Solutions

👋 Welcome to my page!

I am Jonathan, a Data Engineer based in Munich, Germany, building bridges between business strategy and technical solutions. Here I share little snippets of things that I learn, find interesting, or worth discussing.

I will post mostly about technical topics that relate to the practice of data engineering. These might be centered around Microsoft Azure, Linux, and open source technology such as DuckDB, dlt, or Dagster. I also plan to publish posts around data governance, management, and strategy as I firmly believe that data (engineering) projects are most successful, if they are truly part of an organization’s broader business strategy.

You’ll find some of my personal projects here too - from a fun facts CLI and a recipe management web server written in Go to a data analytics platform for my personal finances.

You can find my socials and recent posts below and check the “About” page in case you’d like to know more about me!

A neat duckdb snipped for string normalization

A recent project of mine involved determining duplicate CRM objects across Salesforce and Hubspot. I utilized duckdb for my data processing and found this neat little text function duckdb provides: strip_accents(string). It does exactly what it says: Strip accents from a string. Thus Mühleisen becomes Muheisen. This feature saved me from manually defining a map of umlaut characters and replacing them in a bunch of places. SELECT strip_accents(first_name) as first_name_normalized, ....

January 14, 2025 1 min

Impressions from dltHub's product launch event in Berlin

The dlt team has been on a global roadshow for the last few weeks, making the stop in their home-city of Berlin last Tuesday. The evening was packed with presentations, guest speakers, and product demos. And even though one speaker fell ill, it went well over the planned schedule. If it was up to me, it could have continued for a good while longer - I was really fascinated by the insights shared from the members of the community....

November 27, 2024 4 min

Hello World

Oh wow this actually works. Pretty neat. Let’s see what I will come up with…

November 10, 2024 1 min